Adding Prompts

Add customizable prompts to your bots to pre-qualify leads and maximize efficiency during the intake process.

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How to Add Bot Prompts:

On the bots page, click the drop-down arrow on the top corner of any bot. You will see a button for "prompts." Another way to access prompts is by clicking on the name of any of the bots on the sidebar.  

Click the "add a prompt button," select a category, and check the boxes of all relevant fields. Remember to save your changes.

Pro Tips:

  • If you are looking for a specific prompt type, like one that includes the word "Canada," for example, you can find it quickly using the search bar.
  • You might want to use a Canadian prompt to ask people about provinces instead of states.
  • If a prompt says "simplified, "there will be fewer questions than the full-length version of the same category.
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